The Drag Drop Switch plugin is a valuable tool for WordPress users who utilize the Classic Editor and seek to manage the drag-and-drop functionality of meta boxes on the post editing page. This plugin introduces a toggle switch under the “Screen Options” menu, allowing users to easily enable or disable the drag-and-drop feature for meta boxes.
Purpose and Benefits
In the Classic Editor, meta boxes can be rearranged via drag-and-drop. However, on touch-screen devices, this feature can lead to unintended movements of meta boxes during scrolling, disrupting the editing workflow. The Drag Drop Switch plugin addresses this issue by providing a straightforward method to disable or enable this functionality as needed, enhancing the editing experience on various devices.
Key Features
• User-Friendly Toggle: A simple switch under “Screen Options” lets users control the drag-and-drop capability without delving into complex settings.
• Seamless Integration: Designed to work seamlessly with the Classic Editor plugin, ensuring compatibility and smooth operation.
• Free and Open Source: The plugin is completely free to use, with no hidden fees or premium versions, and does not collect or share any data with third parties.
Installation and Usage
To install the Drag Drop Switch plugin:
1. Via WordPress Admin Dashboard:
• Navigate to ‘Plugins > Add New’.
• Search for ‘Drag Drop Switch’.
• Click ‘Install Now’ and then ‘Activate’.
2. Manually:
• Download the plugin from the WordPress plugins repository.
• Upload the uncompressed folder to your project’s plugin directory.
• Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
3. Via Composer:
If you are using Bedrock to manage your WordPress installation or manage your plugins with Composer, you can fetch the plugin like below.
composer require wpackagist-plugin/drag-drop-switch
Once activated, a toggle switch will appear under the “Screen Options” on the post editing page, allowing you to enable or disable the drag-and-drop functionality for meta boxes as per your preference.
The Drag Drop Switch plugin offers a practical solution for WordPress users who prefer to manage the drag-and-drop behavior of meta boxes in the Classic Editor. Its ease of use and targeted functionality make it a worthwhile addition for those seeking to enhance their content management experience.